On August 15, 2012, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service began accepting applications for deferred action from DREAMers. Since DREAMers are applying for deferred action pursuant to a policy created by President Obama, and not a law, that policy can change if President Obama is not re-elected. Mitt Romney has stated that he opposes the President’s policy and will create his own policy. Mitt Romney has not explained what this policy will be. Mitt Romney has stated that he opposes the DREAM Act, that he favors enforcement of the immigration laws, wants “self deportation,” and is against amnesty type programs because he believes that they encourage the violation of our immigration laws. With all of these young people coming out of the shadows and paying filing fees and lawyer fees, they should know what will happen to them, if Mitt Romney is elected. Mitt Romney should issue a definitive statement about what will happen to the DREAMers, if he is elected.