On October 26, 2012, I spoke about best practices for brief writing and oral argument at Immigrants’ List’s First Annual Continuing Legal Education Immigration Litigation Seminar in Miami, Florida. The seminar was for immigration attorneys that wanted to learn about litigating immigration cases. Immigrants’ List works to elect politicians that promote “fair and just” immigration laws and works to defeat politicians that use “fear and misinformation” to prevent immigration reform. I volunteered my time for Immigrants’ List because I consider them an important organization. I agree with what they are doing and if you’re reading this blog, I hope that you check out their website and consider donating to them.
Archives for October 2012
Mitt Romney’s Changing Position on Immigration
Back during the Republican primaries, Mitt Romney was against the DREAM Act and was promoting self deportation. Yesterday, Mitt Romney was interviewed by the Denver Post and announced that if he is elected, he will honor deferred actions requests granted under President Obama’s policy for DREAMers. However, today Romney’s campaign clarified his statement. If elected, he will discontinue the program and not extend the deferred action grants after they expire in two years. He also claims that he will have his own policy in place that will provide a permanent solution. Unfortunately, he has yet to provide any details regarding his permanent solution.
On the plus side, DREAMers can now file for deferred action knowing that if they are granted relief, they will have employment authorization for two years. Since June, I’ve been saying that DREAMers should wait until after the election to file for deferred action. With Mitt Romney’s latest statements, there is no longer a reason to delay filing.